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Behaviorist Theory And Language Learning


Behaviorist Theory And Language Learning

Behaviorist Theory And Language Learning

Behaviorist Theory And Language Learning- As students in the English Education Department, we need to understand the different ideas and methods used in teaching languages. Some ways of teaching and learning have been set up in this case. Every way of teaching and learning is meant to help both the teacher and the students.

The technique is used to help students learn better. Some ideas, on the other hand, still use old methods that keep students from participating in the teaching and learning process. It is the teacher’s job to use the right method for each student to get them interested in learning.

In this case, my presentation will be about fully explaining behaviorism, including what it is, how it works, its strengths and weaknesses, and its past. I will also discuss how behaviorism is used in ELT and how it is different from other ideas.

Behaviorist Theory And Language Learning

Behaviorist Theory Skinner

B.F. is the name of an American doctor. Skinner became famous for applying behaviorist ideas to the study of how people learn to talk. Skinner said that language is taught by conditioning and reward, which is similar to how animals learn to do things. He did not think that mental or cognitive processes inside the mind affect how language develops.

According to Skinner’s theory, children’s language use is “shaped” by their surroundings. People who care for children, like parents and other adults, naturally support some sounds and words and ignore others. Positive attention makes statements more likely, while negative attention makes statements less likely. So, the surroundings choose the sounds that the child imitates.

Through regular training and praise, kids learn to connect what is going on outside with how they sound. When the right conditions are met, kids repeat words and lines without thinking about it. Skinner thinks that ideas and meanings are not very important in this process. Language is just a set of actions that people have learned.

Skinner stressed the importance of copying when learning a language. He thought that babies learned English by copying the sounds, words, and phrases they heard from older kids and adults. Next, selective feedback is used to encourage some types of imitation while discouraging others. This changes the child’s language use over time.

Skinner thought that language evolved slowly over a long period. He said that kids need a natural way to learn the language or a built-in grammar scheme. Grammar, on the other hand, changes over time as people’s normal ways of responding to words become more complex and controlled.


Waltman (2003) says that behaviorism is a way of thinking about how people and animals learn, and it only looks at actions that can be seen. However, behaviorism is a theory of growth that looks at how a learner’s responses to stimuli show up in their actions (http://www.learningteaching.info/learning/behavior.htm). Based on what the two experts said, behaviorism is a way of thinking that measures the actions that students take in response to outside influences. You can use both positive and negative comments to help people respond to stimuli in the way you want them to.

When kids react correctly to stimuli, they get positive feedback. Reward types include stickers, candy, food, and shopping. It is punishment, on the other hand, when students get bad feedback because they do not respond properly to stimuli—for example, not letting them play, giving them more work, or taking something away from them. These are just a few of the main effects of behavior.

The reward has the power to make learners behave better. For instance, they were praising good behavior for making it happen more often. When someone is punished, on the other hand, they may not want to do that action anymore. For example, let us say the child does not get to play during break because they have extra work to do.


Tomic thinks that behaviorism tries to explain, describe, and change behavior. Here, I will talk about what behaviorism is and how it works.

According to behaviorists, the main things that drive behaviorism are not inside of a person but outside of them.

In real life, it does not work to describe people in a way that separates observable action from mental processes. For instance, “Mary loses control of herself because she is so angry” is a meaningful line. Mary is clearly to blame for how they behaved. Still, watching this behavior is the only way to figure out the underlying traits that support these findings. The cause and impact come from the same place.

The scientific study of people should focus as much as possible on facts that can be seen directly.

Behavior in humans can be explained by the simple idea that it is the development of simple learning processes. In fact, behavior can be very complicated. Both people’s behavior patterns and the outside forces that affect them are complicated.

People tend to be simple and shallow observers of their own and other people’s behaviors. Because he sees people as two different kinds, he has to give many bad reasons.

A full behavioral analysis must be done before any efforts to change behavior are made. If the attempt to change behavior fails because of a mistake or a lack of data, the study should be changed.

Behaviorism and social learning theory

Both the social learning theory and the behavioral learning theory are based on the same ideas. Both the behavioral learning theory and the social learning theory agree on how outside factors can change behavior. The social learning theory, on the other hand, says that behavior is also affected by things going on inside people’s minds. The social learning theory says that beliefs inside a person affect how they act on the outside, even if students or people see activities.

Behaviorism does not examine or stress the importance of mental processes in action. According to social learning, the simple stimulus-response model of behaviorism does not explain behavior at all. This means that once students have decided on the purpose of copying behavior, they learn by watching others. Behavior is affected by feelings that are not aware of, like the need to fit in and be liked by others.

Behaviorist teaching strategies.

There are several ways that teachers can use behavioral learning techniques in the classroom, such as:

Works out. Teachers may use drill routines to help students practice skills and understand how repetition and reinforcement are used in behavioral learning theory.

The question and the answer. To help students, teachers can use questions as a starting point and answers as a response, making the questions and answers harder over time.

Exercise under supervision. Teachers can help students solve problems, give them positive feedback, and show them how to behave in a way they want them to follow.

The usual evaluation. Reviews are very important to the idea of behavioral learning. If students are graded and given good feedback, they will remember things a lot better.

Use of positive feedback. In behaviorist classes, positive reinforcement is used constantly. This can take many forms, such as giving people new rights, running reward programs, praise and support, and so on.

Why is the Behaviourist theory important in the language classroom?

Behaviourist theory can support the teaching of English as a second language by emphasizing principles like reward, habit formation, and stimulus-response processes. This theory suggests that reinforcement and positive attitudes fostered by rewards can enhance language learning.

According to behaviorist theory, the best way to help people learn English as a second language is to teach it through lessons and practice that encourage repetition, reinforcement, and habit-building.

Behaviorist Theory And Language Learning

Focusing on behaviorist ideas like reward, habit development, and stimulus-response mechanisms can be helpful in teaching English as a second language. This theory says that good reinforcement and rewards can help people learn a language better. However, some things could be improved by using behaviorism to teach English. For example, it can cause problems for students, such as worry, and teachers may limit how key ideas can be used.

Even with these problems, behaviorism is an important part of situational language teaching (SLT) because it gives students meaningful tasks that are controlled by repetition. When using behaviorist theory to teach English as a Second Language, teachers should think about their students’ goals, communication needs, and skill levels. They should also change the tasks if necessary. To make language learning more successful, teachers should learn about theories of language use, like behaviorism.

What are the behaviorist theories of learning?

Behaviorism in education, or behavioral learning theory is a branch of psychology that focuses on how people learn through their interactions with the environment. It is based on the idea that all behaviors are acquired through conditioning, which is a process of reinforcement and punishment.

Behaviorism is a way of thinking that focuses on how people connect with their surroundings. These interactions, which are often called “stimuli,” finally cause people to act in certain ways. A process called conditioning makes this action happen.

Behaviorists are mostly interested in studying how outside factors affect behavior. They do not care about psychological things that cannot be studied in a structured way.

As we can see, there are different levels of behaviorists who believe in this way of thinking. At the very end of this range are radical behaviorists, who do not believe in any psychological phenomena that exist outside of stimulus and response. Put another way, radical behaviorists believe that a person’s mind, personality, and understanding are all formed by the interactions they have with the world from a very young age.

What is the Behavioural approach to language learning?

Behaviorists believe that language develops through conditioning and reinforcement of associations between stimuli in the environment and responses. Language is seen as a set of behaviors or habits that are acquired through interaction with the social world.

Behaviorists say that the connections between cues in the surroundings and responses are learned and strengthened as a child grows up. Lots of people say that language is a set of habits or actions that people learn from interacting with others. B.F. Skinner, an American scientist, was a strong supporter of the behaviorist view of how people learn languages. 

He said that the basic building blocks of conditioning are reward and punishment, which teach kids words in the same way that animals learn how to behave. Children are more likely to copy the sounds and words that their parents and other adults care for them. This training will help the child’s language growth in the long run.

What is the importance of behaviorism in language?

The behaviorist perspective in First Language Acquisition emphasizes the role of the environment and the concepts of imitation and habit-formation (Skinner, 1957). The behaviorist perspective in First Language Acquisition suggests that language is acquired through imitation and reinforcement (Shormani, 2014).

Behaviorists say that learning a language is like having a set of natural habits: you do it over and over again. People learn a language by using the same grammar rules and words over and over again until they feel natural. Lightbown and Spada (1999) say that children copy the rhythms and sounds they hear around them. Thus, it was suggested that students try to use and repeat the words they heard until they became part of their everyday language. Behaviorists say that a lot of practice and drills are needed to learn a language, especially a second language (L2).

Behaviorists also said that picking up a new language was the same as making new habits. Ellis (1990) says that changing the surroundings can affect learning by giving students the experience they need. In turn, this led to the idea that the setting in which we learn affects how we form habits. Pavlov and Skinner called the process of making a habit and the setting in it “stimulus-response” (S-R) terms. Behaviorism largely took the place of S-R in the psychology school in the 1950s, proving the link between the two ideas. For behaviorists, successful language behavior means responding to stimuli in the right way (Brown, 1987).

What is an example of a behaviorist theory in the classroom?

An example of behaviorism is when teachers reward their class or certain students with a party or special treat at the end of the week for good behavior throughout the week. The same concept is used with punishments. The teacher can take away certain privileges if the student misbehaves.

The idea behind behaviorism is that environmental cues and effects shape behavior through a process called operant conditioning. Operant conditioning is the process of praising or punishing actions based on how they turn out. You can be sure that a student will do something again if you praise them for giving the right answer to a question. If a student is told off for talking before their turn, they are less likely to do it again.

Behavioral learning theory has been used to improve many fields, such as artificial intelligence (A.I.), therapy, schooling, and animal training. However, it has been criticized for being too simple and predictable and for not taking into account how social, emotional, and cognitive factors affect behavior.

Behaviorist Theory And Language Learning

Even though many teachers think behaviorism is a great option, it could be improved. Behaviorism can meet some learning goals, like math and foreign languages. However, it only works for analytical and total learning.

Some people who disagree with behavioral learning say that the theory is not good enough because it does not explain enough about how people learn and behave. There have been more ideas that build on behaviorism, such as saying that there are other things to think about when trying to understand behavior.

If you want to be a teacher someday, you need to make sure you have all the right degrees and credentials. This will get you ready to do well. You also need to know about learning theories in order to be ready to work with students and in the classroom. If you know about psychology and how people learn, you will do much better as a teacher.

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